Industrias Químicas del Ebro S.A. has renewed the collaboration agreement with the Government of Aragon and for the fourth year will participate in Dual Vocational Training. During the 2019-2020 academic year, three students will be welcome, two from the higher level of FP in Industrial Chemistry and one from the higher cycle of FP in Industrial Mechatronics.
Dual vocational training is an innovative educational model. Students spend half of their time in the second academic year as apprentices, adapting the training cycle to the needs of the company. The training of students is supervised at all times by two tutors, one from the educational center and one from the company.
The programming and schedule of activities are perfectly defined between the center and the company. On the other hand, the jobs must be in accordance with the professional profile of the studies.
Dual vocational training is a good opportunity to create a “talent group” of future qualified employees, reducing the risk of adapting them to jobs.