We bet on Dual vocational training
Industrias Químicas del Ebro S.A. has renewed the collaboration agreement with the Government of Aragon and for the fourth year will participate in Dual Vocational Training. During the 2019-2020 academic year, three students will be welcome, two from the higher level of FP in Industrial Chemistry and one from the higher cycle of FP in […]
IQE Group presents the 2018 Sustainability Report
Industrias Químicas del Ebro S.A presents its Sustainability Report corresponding to the 2018 exercise prepared “in accordance” with the GRI Guide “essential” option. This report describes the organization’s strategy regarding social responsibility, the progress made and the challenges it poses for the future. The company’s commitment to transparency is reaffirmed with its edition for the […]
IQE obtains the Social Responsibility Seal 2020
Industrias Químicas del Ebro Group has obtained the RSA Seal 2020 after completing the Aragón Social Responsibility Plan. This seal recognizes the good business practices and the IQE Group’s commitment to continue advancing in terms of transparency, safety, health and welfare of employees and positive impact on customers, society and the environment. The Seal will […]
Jorge Villarroya, member of the Board of Trustees of the San Valero Group and CEO of the IQE Group, present on the 25th anniversary of the Dominican Foundation of San Valero
The 25th anniversary of the San Valero Dominican Foundation (FUNDOSVA) is commemorated in an event that was attended by the ambassador of Spain in the Dominican Republic, Alejandro Abellán García de Diego, representatives of the Board of Trustees of the San Valero Group, Francisco Velázquez and Jorge Villarroya, of the Group’s general director, César Romero, […]
The Cycling team of IQE Group organizes a cycling tour through Zaragoza
IQE Group launches an initiative to promote healthy habits among its employees with the implementation of sports and leisure activities. On September 8, a cycling tour along the banks of the Ebro river and Expo will take place in Zaragoza, accompanied by a guide that will explain the history of the Aragonese capital. This activity […]
IQE participates in the 15th edition of the Latin American Coatings Show 2019 (LACS 2019)
19th and 21nd of June take place The Latin American Coatings Show 2019 (LACS 2019) at Citibanamex Center in Mexico City. The most important international exhibition in LATAM brings together the main manufacturers, suppliers of raw material suppliers, equipment manufacturers and other manufacturing related suppliers of paint, inks and coatings. Industrias Químicas del Ebro S.A., […]
Jet Flash Turbo Dryer project
Industrias Químicas del Ebro, SA, has received a grant for its energy saving and efficiency project “Jet Flash Turbo Dryer”, through the Fondo Nacional de Eficiencia Energética and managed by the Instituto de Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE). These funds are co-financed by the European Union through the Operational Programme for Sustainable Growth […]
Implementation of a high efficiency steam generation system proyect
Industrias Químicas del Ebro, SA, has received a grant for its energy saving and efficiency project “Implementation of a high efficiency steam generation system” through the National Energy Efficiency Fund and managed by the Institute of Diversification and Savings of Energy (IDAE). These funds are co-financed by the European Union through the Operational Programme for […]
Implementation of a water treatment system by high efficiency reverse osmosis project
Industrias Químicas del Ebro, SA, has received a grant for its energy saving and efficiency project “Implementation of a water treatment system by high efficiency reverse osmosis”, through the Fondo Nacional de Eficiencia Energética and managed by the Instituto de Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE). These funds are co-financed by the European Union […]