IQE joins the Aragón Young Talent project

IQE participates in Aragón Young Talent 2020, a program aimed at young people in their last year of studies or recent graduates, which was created with the aim of identifying and highlighting the emerging talent of Aragón. This initiative promoted by the ESIC and Heraldo de Aragón business school and which has the participation of […]

Activities of the IQE Chair

The IQE Chair is based at the Sciences School of the University of Zaragoza and its activity focuses on promoting research, dissemination and social projection of Science; promoting the application of technologies to the welfare of society, and whatever other activities are considered of mutual interest. Recently, the IQE Chair has presented the 2019 Activity […]

IQE obtains the 2020 Ecovadis Gold Seal

In 2014 IQE subscribes to the EcoVadis Supplier Sustainability Rating platform, the first collaborative platform to provide supplier sustainability ratings for global supply chains. This year, after evaluating its performance in terms of Social Responsibility, Industrias Químicas del Ebro has obtained the Ecovadis 2020 gold seal, the highest recognition for being among the 1% of […]

IQE continues its participation in the CIEN “REDEFINE” project

Industrias Químicas del Ebro continues its participation in the REDEFINE project with the goal of providing innovative solutions in detergents and cleaning products in line with the latest market trends, which demands more effective products that are more respectful of human health and the environment and ensuring sanitization of surfaces and clothing. REDEFINE (ADVANCED RESEARCH […]

IQE obtains the ISO 45001 certificate

Last June IQE obtained ISO 45001 certification for its occupational health and safety management system, after having successfully completed the transition from OHSAS 18001, which is no longer the reference for certification in this area. The international standard ISO 45001 replaces the British OHSAS 18001 in order to provide a single international standard that is […]

Chemical sector companies maintain their activity during the pandemic

Jorge Pérez Cacho, director of Research and Development of Industrias Químicas del Ebro speaks with the newspaper Heraldo de Aragón and analyzes the situation of the sector during the pandemic as well as future expectations. The companies in the chemical sector, both services and industrials, were considered essential from the outset so they have been […]

AENOR renews the R+D+i Management System Certificate of IQE

The renewal of the IDI-0010/2008 Certificate of the R+D+i Management System shows the conformity of this system with the UNE 166002: 2014E standard that Industrias Químicas del Ebro has maintained since 2008. The R+D+i Management System allows to systematically improve R+D+i activities, providing useful guidelines for its organization and management. The scope of the R+D+i […]

Safety supply of chemical products during the Covid-19 crisis

In these moments of crisis caused by the Covid-19, guaranteeing the supply of drinking water, as well as the purification of wastewater is critical for society. Inorganic coagulants are essential in the chemical treatment of drinking water and in the efficient purification of wastewater and, therefore, the industrial activity of companies such as IQE, S.A. […]

IQE will attend at The Middle East Coatings Show 2020

The Middle East Coatings Show is the only dedicated coatings event in the Middle East and Gulf Region for raw materials suppliers and equipment manufacturers for the coatings industry. IQE, as a leading company in the sector, will attend at MECS 2020 to present its novelties at stand B10 from March 9 to 11.