Notice of Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

INDUSTRIAS QUIMICAS DEL EBRO, S.A. By resolution of the Board of Directors, the shareholders of Industrias Químicas del Ebro, S.A. are summoned to the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 29 June 2022 at 18:00 hours at first call, at the Gran Hotel, calle Costa, 5, Zaragoza, and, if appropriate, at second […]

IQE awarded again with the EcoVadis Gold Medal

Industrias Químicas del Ebro has once again received the Gold Medal of the EcoVadis certification, a recognition that positions it as a benchmark in sustainability. EcoVadis evaluates and monitors the management and scope of Corporate Social Responsibility of companies and offers tools to promote its improvement. The EcoVadis rating methodology is based on Corporate Social […]

Industrias químicas del Ebro estará presente en Eurocoat 2022

Industrias Químicas del Ebro will be present together with Kadion-Alterkem at Eurocoat 2022, which will be held in Paris from March 29 to 31. Eurocoat is one of the most important European events dedicated to the production and formulation of paints, varnishes, printing inks, glues and adhesives. For 3 days, more than 200 suppliers, producers […]

IQE develops the IDIS-REACT Project subsidized by the DGA, with REACT-EU funds

In order to relaunch industrial activity, the Government of Aragon launched in 2021 the Plan de Ayudas para la Industria Digital, Innovadora y Sostenible (IDIS-REACT Line) financed through the European Recovery Aid initiative for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU); within the Programa de Ayuda a la Industria y la PYME (PAIP) and within […]

Industrias Químicas del Ebro S.A. maintains its commitment to Dual Training

The Minister of Education and Vocational Training, Pilar Alegría, visited the CPIFP Corona de Aragón on October 4, 2021. The head of Education held a meeting with representatives of the center and of partner companies in Dual Vocational Training, among which our colleague Jorge Pérez was representing IQE. The minister was able to learn about […]

IQE updates the RSA+ seal for the second consecutive year

As a result of its responsible development strategy, IQE has renewed the RSA + seal for the second consecutive year. This recognition is granted by the Aragón Social Responsibility Board to those companies that give a “plus” in terms of corporate Social Responsibility, delving into key aspects such as: • Personal, family and work conciliation.• […]

IQE ratifies the Seal of Excellence of Aragón Empresa

IQE has recently renewed the Aragón Empresa Silver Category Seal of Excellence. This award was obtained in 2013 and since then IQE has been revalidating this distinction, which recognizes those organizations that demonstrate a high level of commitment to excellence. Participation in this process of evaluation and internal reflection supposes a more complete knowledge of […]

IQE speech at the Smart Chemistry Smart Future meeting

From September 14 to 17, Barcelona hosted the Smart Chemistry Smart Future meeting, within the Expoquimia 2021 fair. This year the event focused on the essential contribution of the Chemical Industry to society and its strategic role in achieving sustainable development goals . Smart Chemistry Smart Future is a unique event which shows the enormous […]