IQE Plants the Future in the Bosque de los Zaragozanos

In February, IQE carried out the planting of the Bosque de los Zaragozanos. A team of 80 people contributed to planting 800 trees, in a day where commitment to the environment and teamwork were the main focus. El Bosque de los Zaragozanos, an initiative promoted by the Zaragoza City Council with the support of several […]


Industrias Químicas del Ebro, represented by its Director of Innovation and Development, Jorge Pérez, has announced new pre-doctoral scholarships aimed at fostering emerging talent. During his speech, Jorge Perez highlighted: “You are at a key stage in your lives, at a moment of new beginnings, and we want to thank USJ for its work in […]

IQE actively participates in the FEDER 2021-27 program, call 2024 of the Government of Aragon

In its commitment to innovation and sustainability, IQE actively participates in the 2024 call of the 2021-2027 ERDF program, which promotes industrial research and/or experimental development projects in circular economy. The project “ZEOXICON. Photo-oxidative treatments on zeolite by-product for the manufacture of low-carbon footprint construction additives”, started in 2023(IQE participates in the circular economy aid […]

Presence of IQE at the EuroTier Fair

IQE will participate in the 14th edition of EuroTier, the leading international fair in Hannover, Germany, dedicated to livestock and animal production, which will take place from November 12 to 15, 2024. EuroTier stands out as the foremost European event in agricultural and livestock technology, offering a broad exhibition platform where suppliers of equipment, products, […]

Solidarity Chemical Paddle Tournament

Last Saturday, September 14, the Solidarity Chemical Paddle Tournament took place, organized collaboratively by IQE Group, SATA Group and Adiego Hermanos S.A. This sporting event saw extensive participation from various companies across different sectors. All proceeds were donated entirely to the Zaragoza Food Bank (Banco de Alimentos de Zaragoza) Reinforcing the values of IQE Group […]

SIMAL has obtained the certification of its occupational health and safety management system according to the ISO 45001 standard.

Last June, SIMAL achieved ISO 45001 certification for its occupational health and safety management system, expanding the scope of certification within IQE Grupo; IQE, the parent company, already obtained this certification in 2020 after successfully completing the transition from the OHSAS 18001 standard to which it was already certified since 2008. ISO 45001 is an […]

Help for energy savings and efficiency project EFICIENCIA-1-090

INDUSTRIAS QUIMICAS DEL EBRO, S.A. has received a grant for its energy saving and efficiency project “Replacement of two autoclaves with two new high efficiency ones“, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), coordinated by IDAE and managed by the autonomous regions, under the National Energy Efficiency Fund, with the aim of achieving a […]

IQE will be present at the Latin American Coatings Show

IQE will participate in the upcoming edition of the Latin American Coatings Show, scheduled for July 23-25, 2024, at the Citibanamex Center in Mexico City. Organized by ANAFAPYT (National Association of Paint and Ink Manufacturers, A.C), LACS 2024 has established itself as the premier international exhibition in Latin America for suppliers to the paint, ink, […]

IQE updates its R&D&I Management System

The renewal of Certificate IDI-0010/2021 of the R&D&I Management System evidences the conformity of this system with the update of the UNE 166002:2021 standard that Industrias Químicas del Ebro has maintained since 2008. The UNE 166002:2021 standard updates the UNE 166002:2014E standard, and is aligned with the European standards of the ISO 56000 series (UNE-EN […]