In 2013, IQE obtained the Seal of Excellence Aragón Empresa, which recognizes those organizations that demonstrate a high level of commitment to excellence. This year IQE has been subjected to a new and demanding external review to assess whether during this period of time the company has maintained its level of commitment and therefore if […]

QUIMIARAGÓN 2017 – Aragonese scientific-business meeting in the field of Chemistry

The Institute of Chemical Synthesis and Homogeneous Catalysis (iSQCH) has organized together with the Federation of Chemical Companies and Plastics of Aragon (FEQPA) and CEOE Aragón Quimiaragón, the first Aragonese scientific-business meeting in the field of Chemistry. This forum aims to share knowledge and experiences that facilitate and promote cooperation between both sectors. In this […]

IQE organizes the first workshop on prevention and safety for children

On October 11, the first workshop on prevention and safety fort children took place at the IQE factory in Malpica. It was an unforgettable day that combined learning and fun. The kids started the day in the changing rooms where they were surprised with a full kit to move through the plant safely. Then, they […]

IQE participated in the last edition of Expoquimia

IQE, S. A. participated one more year in the last edition of Expoquimia 2017 within Smart Chemistry Smart Future space. The fair took place in Barcelona between the days 2-6 October, and despite the complex political landscape that we had as background, has been a great success of assistance. We want to thank the presence […]

IQE promotes research into new materials

Industrias Químicas del Ebro, in line with its responsible development strategy, promotes research into new nanomaterials through the NanoInTech project. This project, developed in the IQE Chair of the University of Zaragoza, aims to develop nanomaterials suitable for application in different sectors in a safe and efficient manner, in order to facilitate their introduction into […]

Presence of IQE at the European Coatings Show 2017

IQE wants to thank customers, dealers and distributors for their visit to our stand, as well as attendance at the different meetings carried out during the last edition of the European Coatings Show held in Nürenmberg, Germany, from 4-6 April. As in previous editions, it has been a great opportunity to show the new products […]

Tire Technology Expo 2017

IQE has attended for the first time at the Tire Technology Expo as part of its firm commitment to the tire industry. The show took place in Hanover from 14 to 16 February. At our stand visitors were able to obtain detailed information on IQE solutions for this sector, in which the company has a […]

The buyout of IQESIL by Industrias Químicas del Ebro

The acquisition of IQESIL by Industrias Químicas del Ebro was made official on December 1, 2016. The merger’s main objective is to concentrate in a single society centers of production of both societies, so it will not represent any change in the daily life of workers or in the relationship with their customers. Also involves […]

IQE at Eurotier 2016

Our company has attended to Eurotier Exhibition, leader in the sector of animal production, together with our agents for animal feed SODIVAS. The fair, held in Hannover from 15 to 18 November, has had a large number of professional visitors, and has been an interesting forum on the development of this important market.